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Services for organizations

Connection to the Internet

Connection to the Internet

At ARNES we ensure reliable and safe connections to the internet, which are an essential prerequisite for the effective use of our services.

Access to the ARNES Network

We advise all organizations that are members of the ARNES network on how to find the best possible solution for accessing the ARNES network. We provide guidance in choosing technology and communicating with internet providers. It is important that you choose the right equipment, therefore we recommend that educational institutions contact us for advice before purchasing equipment, whereas other organizations are advised to purchase equipment according to our recommendations.

When connecting the equipment, we will take care of the router settings and configure security functions to protect your network. Since the management of the router is performed at ARNES, we spare you the expense of implementing and managing a firewall.

Organizations that connect to the ARNES network are entitled to free IP address registration. For applications that require consistent data flow (e.g. video conferences), throughput can be ensured by quality of service (QoS) mechanisms.

When a collaborative project requires a connection with a guaranteed bandwidth lower than 1 Gb/s, we establish a virtual private connection through ARNES and GÉANT networks. If your needs are greater, we can establish extremely efficient point-to-point connections, called ‘light paths’, from 1 Gb/s up to 10 Gb/s.
In case of internet connectivity problems, we take over the entire communication with the internet provider and make sure that the problems are solved as soon as possible.

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Wireless Networks – eduroam

eduroam is a system of safe and user-friendly wireless networks that facilitates the mobility of users of the European education and research networks. All traffic between a client and the access point is encrypted and the identity of the server and the user is verified. The eduroam network safety mechanisms provide at least the same level of security as a wired network.

By connecting your wireless network to eduroam, you enable:

  • access to a safe and standardized wireless network for your organization
  • free roaming for your users in eduroam networks in Slovenia and abroad
  • simple roaming for users from other organizations on your wireless network

When your organization joins eduroam, a user with an AAI-account can automatically connect to the wireless network of any organization that has the eduroam network established. You can access the eduroam network in more than 100 countries.

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Infrastructure Hosting

Infrastructure Hosting

We offer infrastructure hosting services to organizations on fast, reliable and safe servers that have plenty of disk space and unlimited data transfer. With infrastructure hosting you avoid the expenses of maintenance and purchasing new hardware.

Server Hosting

Custom server provides you with the possibility of virtual server hosting and a complete adjustment and control of the operation of each server. You can therefore choose the operating system and different levels of performance. The usage is intended for installation of web and other applications.

Organizations that are members of the ARNES network can acquire a virtual server with one processor, 40 GB of disk space, 2 GB of random access memory (RAM) and a high performance internet connection of 1 Gb/s. At your request, we can increase your resources to a maximum of 4 virtual CPE, 8 GB of RAM and 160 GB of disk space. Larger organizations, such as faculties and projects, can be assigned up to 8 virtual CPE, 16 GB of RAM and 250 GB of disk space.

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For time synchronization we can offer you two NTP servers for reliable time measurement – and Both servers are at the top of the NTP hierarchy (stratum 1), their time is synchronized with their own GPS clock and other stratum 1 NTP servers.

Digital Server Certificates

Organizations can acquire free verified digital certificates for their servers. GÉANT has chosen the DigiCert certification service provider, which issues server certificates for network users. The service is also called TCS (Trusted Certificate Service).

Digital certificates for servers enable safe data transfer between servers and users. This can be achieved by using encryption and digital signatures, and the protocols that are usually used for this purpose are SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security, RFC 4346). At the beginning of communication, a server has to be identified with a verified digital certificate. Such a certificate can also be created by the server administrator but in that case users are notified that the certification service provider is unknown. Since web browsers have a list of known certification service providers, they can check certificate authenticity automatically.

Disk Space Hosting

The Arnes Shramba (Arnes Storage) service enables you to obtain disk space at ARNES.

ARNES Shramba is especially recommended as a security backup at a secondary location. You can connect your server via s3 protocol to a remote disk and deposit a second backup copy of your system there. In case the first backup copy is lost or destroyed, data can still be recovered from the secondary backup copy. At ARNES we assign you 1 TB of disk space and up to 10 TB if needed.

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Supercomputing Cluster

At ARNES, we enable the use of our supercomputing cluster for the most demanding users, who work with onerous computer data processing and complex algorithms. Clusters use intermediate software and operate as a homogeneous supercomputer from a user’s perspective. The supercomputer enables a researcher to solve complex calculation tasks much faster and more efficiently.

ARNES’ supercomputing cluster is primarily intended for:

  • testing the usage of a cluster technology in various research projects and disciplines;
  • organizations, that need testing for planning of establishing their own infrastructure and enter the Slovenian and European grid network;
  • teaching users and system administrators about how to use technology in new research fields.

ARNES’ supercomputing cluster is a part of the Slovenian National Supercomputing Network, SLING, a consortium for the development of grid computing and management of Slovenian supercomputing infrastructure. ARNES coordinates the operation of the SLING network, represents Slovenia in the European Grid Initiative (EGI) and, as part of the SLING network, also collaborates with CECAM, CERN, CLARIN, EGI, ELIXIR, ITER, NorduGrid and PRACE organizations.

AAI-account and e-mail

AAI-account and e-mail

AAI-account – a unique username for services

ArnesAAI is an ARNES e-identity that integrates users of organizations and services into a whole and enables the use of a single username or AAI-account to access various ARNES applications and other applications in the Slovenian and European educational and research space. Organizations can themselves assign an AAI-account to users (students, teachers, employees, external partners, etc.).

The most important advantage of an AAI-account login is data security and prevention of user tracking. Login and identity verification are performed at the organization that assigns an AAI-account to a user. Additional security is ensured at the second step after entering the username and password, which provides the user with an overview of the data that will be sent to the application. Your organization becomes a guardian of the personal data of its members.

By signing the membership agreement for the ARNES network, members of the ARNES network gain the possibility of AAI infrastructure hosting at ARNES and therefore the possibility of creating AAI-accounts for all of their members. AAI-accounts can be created in the ARNES web service for identity management, SIO.MdM. You can also set up infrastructure for a member.

To the service          Identity management in SIO.MdM

E-mail Hosting

Organizations can arrange e-mail hosting with ARNES. The service is provided by ARNES’ mail servers, located at ARNES’ premises in Slovenia. You can provide your users with e-mail accounts at the domain of your organization, which can be registered for free with Arnes. In this case, Arnes will configure all of the settings for correct operation of the e-mail.

E-mail accounts can be created via the web service SIO.MdM, for all users for whom you have created an AAI-account. Users can access e-mail via ARNES webmail by logging in with their username (not the AAI-account) or via a chosen webmail client.

We also offer organizations the possibility of secondary mail servers.

Create the e-mails in SIO.MdM 

Spam Tagging

For organizations that have e-mail hosting at ARNES and those that manage their own webmail servers, we provide a spam-tagging service, that we have developed at ARNES in collaboration with the Jožef Stefan Institute, which has proven to be 99.9 % successful. Organizations are offered the possibility of signing sent e-mail as a DKIM, which improves the probability that the sent e-mail will not end up as spam.

Distribution Lists

Distribution Lists enable you to easily send simultaneous e-mails from one e-mail address to several e-mail addresses, removing the need to enter all the recipients’ addresses every time. You can manage the distribution list and can also define who has the right to send e-mails to the list. By using distribution lists, you protect yourself from spam and you don’t violate any electronic communication rules.

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 Internet and Collaboration Tools

Internet and Collaboration Tools

Creation and Management of Websites

Arnes Splet (Arnes Web) is a web application, that enables you to quickly and easily create a website for your organization and assign different user rights for publishing and managing content.

At ARNES, you can register and manage a domain for your website for free. ARNES Web is based on a web content management system, which is a WordPress platform. Among a number of different templates there is also a free template, Divi, which allows your creativity to bloom. Upgrades and security will be taken care of by ARNES on your behalf.

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Website Analytics

Arnes Analitika (Arnes Analytics) provides you with insights into the data concerning visitors to your organization’s websites. The tool enables you to find out which web pages are visited most frequently, visitors’ locations, where they get lost, etc., so you can adapt the contents of your website based on this information.

Data is not shared with third parties when using the Arnes Analitika tool, which means you have complete control of the data. Obtaining the permission of visitors to your website regarding the use of cookies is therefore very easy.

For users of the Arnes Splet system, the Arnes Analitika tool is already integrated.

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Online Classrooms

By using the Arnes Učilnice (Arnes Classrooms) tool your organization can create its own digital learning environment. Users, professors, teachers and students can focus on educational content and various activities. They can create questionnaires, forums, workshops, add interactive content and video, and other resources.

The service is based on the Moodle security system, and ARNES takes care of backup copies, upgrades, as well as plugins that are well supported by our developers.

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Multimedia Services

At ARNES we develop and assist in the establishment and operation of various multimedia systems, which provide additional possibilities for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Arnes Video

Arnes Video portal enables your organization to create its own video channel, to upload video recordings, edit and publish them on the portal, and to embed videos into websites or online classrooms.

Live Streaming is a one-way live transfer of images and audio to the web – usually with a camera connected to a computer at the organization. They are also useful for professional streaming of events and enable you to view conferences, seminars, celebrations, concerts, etc.

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Arnes Zoom

Arnes Zoom’s secure, reliable video platform powers all of your communication needs, including meetings, chat, phone, webinars, and online events.

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Web Conferences Arnes VID

The Arnes VID service is intended for remote collaboration. It is simple to use, since an AAI-account is not required.

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LoLa is an audio-visual system for video streaming that enables users to teach and practice music at different locations, perform concerts and also monitor medical surgeries at remote locations.



To increase the usefulness of communication technology and tools in educational and research processes, we want to transfer as much knowledge to users as possible and help them use the services. ARNES employees share their extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of application and programming services, maintenance services and network protocols, delivered in special workshops, meetings and lectures at educational institutions. Training has been organized in collaboration with experts in each field and with various institutions, including the National Education Institute Slovenia, the Faculty of Education, the National School for Leadership in Education, the Association of Heads of Schools, the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, the Faculty of Social Sciences, etc.


SIO Portal is a central portal for the Slovenian education sector and an information connection point for various e-communities. It combines news, projects, e-content and e-services and the activities of the Slovenian education system.

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Knowledge Network Conference (Mreža znanja)

Knowledge Network is an ARNES conference, held in the fall, whose program is intended for informatics and computer scientists in the fields of education, research and culture. It covers in particular the systemic aspects of the use of new technologies as well as presentation of good practices.

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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

Anyone who is interested in a certain topic can attend a Massive Open Online Course. Courses are conducted remotely and the participants in the online classroom are given learning materials and exercises that they need to acquire in order to successfully complete the course. They only need access to the internet to participate in the course and they will gain a great deal of knowledge that they can use in their work.

MOOC – safe use of the internet and devices
MOOC – education


You can register for the four-hour workshops that we organize, which you can attend at the SIO communities. Workshops are conditional on having a sufficient number of participants. When registration of a certain number of people is reached, the date of the workshop is published. Workshops can also be hosted at your organization if there is a minimum number of ten participants in a group.

In order to host a workshop at your organization for a closed group, please inquire via e-mail:

To the workshops

Domain .si

Domain .si

A web domain represents the online identity of an organization and therefore you should invest some time to consider your choice. Often an organization keeps the same domain during its entire period of operation, which makes the decision even more important. Organizations can use the chosen domain .si for the AAI-accounts and e-mails of users and the address of your website.

Domain .si Registration for Eligible Organizations

Members of the ARNES network and other organizations such as associations, unions and those self-employed in cultural fields, can combine the use of other ARNES services with the registration and renewal of their domain .si for free. If you have a domain already registered with another domain provider, you can transfer it to ARNES.

A domain registered through ARNES should be renewed once a year. This can be done by replying to the e-mail you receive 30 days before the domain expiry.

Get the .si domain name

Domain Management

At ARNES we subscribe to DNS domain servers for our members and also redirect domains to a static or dynamic website that you host with ARNES. At ARNES you can host a primary or secondary domain server for your domain and reverse mappings.

To request a domain server or to change the records on an existing one, please contact

Checking of (new) DNS records is performed every even hour and the entry of new DNS records in the upper DNS is performed every odd hour.

Domain .si

We provide stable, secure, uninterrupted and reliable operations of .si on the internet.

Register your domain .si

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